How to Re-Sign a Semi-Untethered Jailbreak Once done, it will boot up to the Lock screen after which you can begin using the jailbreak tweaks and apps as normal as well as browse the Cydia store without crashing. Step 3: Your device may respring several times during the jailbreak process. The screenshot below shows the Yalu jailbreak app, but it is similar for other semi-untethered jailbreaks. Step 2: Tap on the jailbreak button to begin the jailbreak process. Step 1: On your jailbroken iPhone or iPad, go to the Home screen and open the jailbreak app. How to Re-Jailbreak a Semi-Untethered Jailbreak If you’ve jailbroken your iPhone or iPad using a semi-untethered jailbreak tool, then read the following tutorial to find out how to re-enable after your device restarts. Home Depot jailbreak for iOS 9.1 – iOS 9.3.4.Pangu jailbreak for iOS 9.0 – iOS 9.3.3.extra_recipe + YaluX jailbreak for iOS 10.Here’s a list of some jailbreak tools that are Semi-Untethered:

This kind of behavior is much safer than untethered jailbreaks because if you install an unstable tweak by accident and it causes your device to freeze or lag constantly, then you can easily restart your device to disable the jailbreak and remove the faulty tweak. To get back to normal, you’ll have to re-jailbreak your device. When a semi-untethered jailbreak is disabled, all the tweaks and jailbreak apps that you’ve installed will stop working and Cydia starts to crash. Whenever you iPhone restarts, the jailbreak is disabled, and if you wish to re-jailbreak, you can do so by running the jailbreak app again from your device. Many of the jailbreak tools that have been developed for recent versions of iOS, such as iOS 9 and iOS 10, are semi-untethered jailbreaks.