How much money you can have in your stash also encourages you to spend whatever you have above - though I have a hard time seeing people exceeding that limit. I believe that the 100k limit is there to stop people from charging ridiculous prices for rare items. The credits should be made in 50 and 100k incraments only and be stackable. I for one like the idea of credits, and having the NPC ie merchant or even a plater able to accept them is far better than the cap currently inplace. Just keep the max 100k system and let me continuing to power trade ectos! ( Limu Tolkki - talk) 22:45, 16 February 2008 (UTC) *Sits around thinking of the scripting he would use for his Oblivion mod* House Of Furyan 19:10, 16 February 2008 (UTC) Probably wouldn't involve much calculation though. Calor 19:03, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Ĭould be possible, was considering that and thinking about making NPCs accept them instead of Gold for purchases, and the NPC gives gold change but didn't know how that would program exactly. I like this idea, but there should be increments of 10, 25, 50, and 100k. " :D House Of Furyan 19:01, 16 February 2008 (UTC) "Renin, why are you moving so slow?" - "It's cos he's carrying Fort Knox around with him." - "Oh. I say dibs on Xunlai Gold Bars! Renin 11:29, 16 February 2008 (UTC) House Of Furyan 11:26, 16 February 2008 (UTC) They could be stored and stacked (or unstackable) in storage. These items would be unable to be deleted or dropped (if possible) so you'd have to either trade them to a player or cash them in with the Xunlai representative. A player could obtain one by approaching a Xunlai Representative and exchanging 100K for one Xunlai Credit. Simply speaking, a credit is an item that represents 100K. If Anet continues to limit the player to 100K transactions and especially if they continue to let players determine value, I would propose the introduction of Xunlai Credits. I think gold should be the trading standard regardless of amount, not a variable item, since their value can change from day to day.
#Gw2 frozen out afk plus
Players now will advertise 100K plus 20 ectos for example. I don't mind the way GW1 looks now, and even a slight improvement is good in my book.- Warior kronos 17:39, 17 February 2008 (UTC) Xunlai CreditĬurrently within Guild Wars, in terms of gold trading, its limited to 100K. My pref would be options to turn detail higher and lower, a bit more options then in GW1, but thats not a huge concern. I think Anet is gonna hit the mark on this one, aiming for middle ground computers. I've noticed a steady increase in graphics over the campaigns, and I think if they keep improving, GW2 is gonna look very nice. House Of Furyan 19:12, 16 February 2008 (UTC) Textures look ok in Guild Wars but lighting (the use of light and shadow) is also very powerful. Anyway, one thing I'd like to see more is the use of shaders and lighting. House Of Furyan 10:10, 16 February 2008 (UTC) Keeping requirements low to mid gives Anet time to focus on other areas of the game. Most store brought computers now-a-days will be able to play Guild Wars 2 when it comes out without having to add anything tremendously powerful in terms of graphics. Its easier marketing to mid-range systems than higher end as there's simply more computers in mid range than high end. It will look flasher than Guild Wars but don't expect Crysis level graphics House Of Furyan 09:38, 16 February 2008 (UTC) Because who needs that $700 anyway, am I right? - 09:40, 16 February 2008 (UTC) To get great looking graphics requires a high end graphics engine within the game and is unnecessary for a game such as Guild Wars 2. True, but way more people will buy GW 2 then and you can always buy a better graphic card am I right?Īnet will be aiming for mid-range computers. House Of Furyan 03:32, 16 February 2008 (UTC) Also, having such a graphics system would cost ANET more. Renin 03:14, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Īgree with Renin, the limitations are at the user's end. It would be nice to have an option to make the game uberly beautiful but since we'll becoming a persistent world, I doubt it will be a great idea since there'll be tons of lag issue due to slow loading of other people's characters.
#Gw2 frozen out afk Pc
Not everyone has a PC powerful enough to run constantly on such high-end graphics. The problem lies in with is at the user's end.
#Gw2 frozen out afk movie
I know they probably cant do this but id like to see the game look like the movie trailers- King dude 03:03, 16 February 2008 (UTC)Īctually, they can. 36 (User Controlled) Variable Spell Power.17 syncrenized team play?pet/enemy control?.8 Stuff fron EQ2 that I want to see in GW2.