Games like yugioh duelist of the roses
Games like yugioh duelist of the roses

games like yugioh duelist of the roses

  • And You Were There: Everyone in the game is a pre-incarnation of someone from the main Yu-Gi-Oh! series, with the exception of DarkNite's brother.
  • The Union Flag's present design didn't exist until 1801, with the earlier flag of Great Britain (also known as the Union Jack) only first coming into existence in 1606-long after the War of the Roses.
  • As noted below, Bandit Keith wears the Union Jack instead of the American flag to match the change in settings.
  • Dinosaurs were not identified and named as such until the mid-19th century.
  • Rex Raptor appears in the game, along with his dinosaur cards.
  • Aside from some of the European historical figures taking on Japanese names, things like machines and cartoons didn't exist during the Wars of the Roses.
  • Alternate History: As the summary above should hint.
  • But only Pegasus can identify facedown non-fusion monsters 100% accurately. You can use this to find out what facedown powerups used were, and even to identify facedown fusion monsters, because you can see what the materials were and check a fusion guide.
  • As a player, you can look at your opponent's graveyard.
  • He can make you kill your own monster too with that card, again using facedowns. Not the strongest, but still powerful? Change of Heart instead if he has it.

    games like yugioh duelist of the roses

    If your strongest monster is facedown, and near your deck leader? He knows it, and will play Brain Control to take it over and attack you if the card is in his hand.

  • He is VERY good at abusing this knowledge, and has cards in the deck designed to help him do so.
  • Most others will pretend not to know, and walk right into your facedowns. As such, Pegasus is one of the few CPU opponents who doesn't regularly fall for the player's traps and bluffs, carefully calculating terrain and card effects before making his move.
  • While most Yu-Gi-Oh! games in the pre-DS era were rife with this anyway, Pegasus-a frequent offender where this trope is concerned-was likely intentional given the powers of his Millennium Eye.
  • Ishizu ( known here as "Ishtar") is on the side of the Yorkists.
  • Subverted if you're on Seto's team, as he's a Graceful Loser who nonetheless vows to win the war.
  • Due to limited screen time, Henry Tudor (Yugi) comes off as much more of a jerk, especially in the Lancastrian ending where he takes the credit for the player character's accomplishments once they head back to their own era.
  • games like yugioh duelist of the roses

    Subverted if you're on Yugi's team, where he's a manipulative villain again.

  • Adaptational Heroism: On the Yorkist side, Seto is much less of a villain in this game than he was in Forbidden Memories, or even in the regular canon.

  • Games like yugioh duelist of the roses